Canadian Down Syndrome Society (CDSS)

We provide reliable information and connections to people with Down syndrome and those who support them, while positively shaping the social and policy contexts in which they live.

Canadian Down Syndrome Society (CDSS)

We provide reliable information and connections to people with Down syndrome and those who support them, while positively shaping the social and policy contexts in which they live.

It Was Never Okay - Sign the Petition this World Down Syndrome Day

Tell The Government It Was Never Okay this World Down Syndrome Day

It was never okay for the government to overlook the rights of people with Down syndrome, limiting access to education, healthcare, employment, housing, and recreation. Sign the petition this World Down Syndrome Day and tell the government we demand action NOW!

We refuse to take any steps backward in 2025.

The Recreation Issue 3.21 Magazine - Spring 2025

Explore The Recreation Issue

Recreational activities are an excellent way to explore our passions, but there is more to it than that. It’s what we do after work and school that brings us joy, connects us, encourages our creativity, and builds our confidence.

In this Recreation Issue of 3.21 Magazine, self-advocates share how they became involved in a variety of recreational activities from Taekwondo to starting a book club, and the unforeseen benefits they experienced.

You’ll also hear from organizations that are actively running inclusive recreation programs in Canada and what makes them successful. 

Learning Together in the School Community

The CDSS Education Hub is filled with shareable, printable resources and quick guides that include practical tips and suggestions to help support students as they learn together in the school community.

3.21 Canada’s Down Syndrome Magazine

3.21 Magazine is Canada’s resource for advocacy news, community stories, exclusive interviews, free resources, and upcoming events. Subscribe to 3.21 Magazine today and receive new issues for free.

321 Magazine The Money Issue 20 December 2024
3.21 Magazine The Advocacy Issue - Special Extended Summer Issue

We’re here to help

Resources and Information

Welcoming New Parents to the Down Syndrome Community

21 Welcomes is Canada’s guide for new parents who are expecting or just had a baby with Down syndrome. This booklet has just been updated to feature:

  • New parent stories
  • Self-advocate experiences
  • Development milestones
  • Feeding advice
  • Early intervention programs

Download your free copy from our New Parent Resource Hub.

Resources for Every Stage of Life

Learn More About the Canadian Down Syndrome Society

About CDSS

Your Impact in 2023

Have questions? Connect with us! 1-800-883-5608 or email

Supportive Roommates: Paul and Winnie’s Story of Independent Living

Discover how Paul, a man with Down syndrome, and Winnie, his supportive roommate, create a positive and organized living environment. Learn how they balance independence with teamwork, share household responsibilities, and build strong communication skills. Their story offers valuable tips for anyone considering living with a supportive roommate and highlights the benefits of shared living for personal growth and companionship.

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Changes: Navigating Mental Health

Hey everyone, my name is Paul Sawka. I am the Awareness Leader for CDSS. I have been thinking and writing a lot about feelings and changes lately. I really wanted to share these thoughts with the world, so I would like to invite you to read my new blog series about my...

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Community Stories



Awareness Leader

Self Advocates