by bevisibleweb | Aug 4, 2021 | Family Stories
by Emily DownieI have a stepson. Actually he is not technically my stepson yet as we are not married, however, I think of him as my own. He is 7 and will soon be turning 8. He also has Down syndrome. This means he was born with an extra chromosome. This special and...
by bevisibleweb | Aug 3, 2021 | Family Stories
by Michelle McIntyreWhen our son was born almost eighteen years ago, my husband and I asked if he would be able to father children. The answer was that he would probably have non-effectual sperm and would be infertile….however the Doctor added, almost as an...
by bevisibleweb | Aug 1, 2021 | Family Stories
by Gabrielle HooverGabrielle and Geneviève are twins. Geneviève has Down syndrome. Gabrielle does not. As part of an English assignment when she was 18-years-old, Gabrielle had to write a poem. She chose to write on a subject dear to her heart. Her sister.Read MoreIf...
by bevisibleweb | Apr 8, 2020 | Self Advocate Blog
Everyone in the world has been impacted by the COVID-19 virus. The Canadian Down Syndrome Society asked members of the community share to share how they are feeling about the current situation, how the COVID-19 restrictions have changed their daily lives, and advice...
by bevisibleweb | Feb 24, 2020 | CDSS Blog, Paul's Blog
I have been the Awareness Leader at the Canadian Down Syndrome Society for many years now, and a lot of my job is about advocacy. When I think of advocacy, I think of things like education, communication, families, hard times for people, and all the other ways that...