

Mind and Body, Answers to Your Questions

During adolescence, many young people experience a time of transition. Just like other teens, adolescents with Down syndrome need to learn about their bodies, relationships, sexuality and growing up.



Values, Trust and Sexuality

Your values can help you make decisions and plan for the future. Learn about values, who you can trust and how to make a Trust List and all the different things that make up a person’s sexuality.

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Being Around Other People

It is important to understand your relationships with all the people in your life and how to act around them. Learn about how to greet people, meeting new friends and knowing the difference between private and public places.

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Male and Female Bodies

Your body is private, special and important. The changes that happen in your body are normal. All bodies look different but they all go through changes. You can learn about the differences between male and female bodies, private parts, puberty and the difference between proper words and slang words.

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Being in a relationship and being in love should make you feel happy. In this section you will learn about having a crush, sexual orientation, dating, having a healthy relationship with your partner and marriage.

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In this section you can learn about ways you and your partner can be intimate, how to be safe, types of birth control for men and women and deciding if you are ready to be intimate.

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Having a Baby

When a man and woman have unprotected sex there is a chance the woman will get pregnant. Babies are very cute and fun, but being a parent takes a lot of work. You can learn more about what pregnancy means, how a woman gets pregnant and raising a baby.

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Sexually Transmitted Infections

It is important to talk to your partner about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) before you have sex. You can learn about how you get an STI, how to protect yourself from getting them, signs of STIs and what to do if you think you have an STI.

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You can learn about what masturbation is, where it is okay to masturbate and pornography.

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Keeping yourself safe is very important. This section provides tips on how to stay safe, what you should do if you don’t feel safe and protecting your personal information.

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In this section you can learn about abuse, the different types of abuse, good touch vs. bad touch and what to do if you think you are being abused.

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CDSS Down Syndrome Answers

Can a person with Down syndrome go to college?

The best person to answer a question about Down syndrome is a person with Down syndrome. 

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Additional Resources for Adolescent Years

Regroupement pour la Trisomie 21, RT21
National Down Syndrome Society
Woodbine House Publishing

Books available about growing up and transitions. Click here to see the collection of resource books

teenager and mom