Community Recreation and Sports

playground exercise

In Canada, most communities provide inclusive programs for children, youth and adults. There are numerous ways to participate in sports, recreation and the arts. From soccer, dance and theatre to STEM programs, suitable programs may be available in your area.

Many organizations have created socially inclusive programs that are open to people with different abilities like the YMCA, Girl Guides, Scouts and many others. Program information is available through municipalities, sports associations and local communities, please take a look at your local program guides.

If you are looking for a sport, recreation, or arts programs that are disability-specific, here are some national and provincial options:

Provincial Inclusive Recreation Programs and Resources

Special Olympics Canada

For 50 years, Special Olympics Canada has enriched the lives of Canadians with an intellectual disability – of all ages and skill levels – through the transformative power of sport. Special Olympics Canada has chapters across Canada with varying programs and opportunities across each province and territory.

Click here for more information


An app that connects children & youth with disabilities to leisure opportunities that are: close to where they are, accessible, suit their need and abilities, match their preferences, can help them develop and participate in society.

Click here to find more information
