Employment Planning Hub


Matt at Work Reflective Vest and Raincoats
Employment Matters

Employment gives people with Down syndrome the opportunity to improve their skills, knowledge and self-worth, while being appreciated by others. Being employed allows them to meet new people and make important, lasting connections. Most importantly, being employed can help improve mental and physical wellness, inclusion and independence.

How to Use This Employment Planning Hub

The Employment Planning Hub is divided into sections that provide an overview of employment topics along with questions and exercises to help guide and prepare the individual with Down syndrome for employment.   Each section also includes links to resources that help explore the section topics further.

A Career Action Plan and Employability Skills Tracker are provided to help the job seeker keep track of important information that can be reviewed and discussed throughout the employment process.  This information will support the development of the career portfolio that can be used and referred to throughout their career and shared with an employment service provider (if available in their area) to help with the employment process.

The CDSS Employment Planning Hub is divided into the following sections:

Section 1: Developing Foundations
  • Everyday Opportunities and Employability
  • Motivations and Stages of Change (SOC)
  • Your Rights and Responsibilities
Section 2: Self-Discovery
  • What is Important to You?
  • Your Interests and Employability Skills
  • Learning New Skills
Section 3: Career Exploration
  • Matching Your Skills with Job Choices
  • Discovering Job Options and Occupational Profiles
Section 4: Resume and Cover Letter Development
  • Where to Start
  • What to Include
  • Cover Letters and References
Section 5: Networks and Job Search
  • Who’s in Your Network?
  • Applying for Work
  • Interviews and Accommodations
Section 6: Starting a New Job
  • Showing Up and Being Present
  • Staying Employed
Section 7: Employer Resources
  • Why Hire a Person with a Disability
  • Making Your Workplace Accessible
  • Building Workplace Capacity

Connecting with an employment service provider in your area (if available) can help with:

pre-employment planning and training

job searches

facilitating job interviews

engaging employers

identifying job accommodations

assisting employers with job-training and coaching