Paul’s 2024 Year in Review

Holiday Greetings!
Hey Friends, I would like to tell you what I have been up to this year.
Paul learning ukulele
I have been continuing with my ukulele lessons in person and my voice lessons, which I really enjoy. I continue to swim three times a week with the Dolphins Swim Club. It’s good exercise and lots of fun swimming with my friends. Our Special Olympic Curling has started up again.  The curling that was part of the Canadian Special O Winter Games in February 2024 was hosted here in Calgary. And our Alberta teams did very well! It was very exciting to watch. I also participate in vet training a couple of times a year. I got a new roommate in September. Winnie is from Kenya, and she is very nice. We are getting to know each other and have a very solid routine already.
I am continuing to work as an Awareness Leader at the Canadian Down Syndrome Society, but unfortunately, I am still working from home. I have a great support worker who is very helpful and encouraging. We are now making videos as well as writing blogs.
I continue to work two shifts a week at Friends, a coffee shop right across the street from where I live. I really enjoy my co-workers and the atmosphere there is very welcoming. I peel carrots, empty the dishwasher, and replenish the bakery goods in the cases. Sometimes I also serve coffee and lunches.
Paul working from home
Last winter we went to Jamaica. Mom and I watched Dad climb Duns River Falls. It was pretty cool. This winter we are planning another trip to Dominican Republic. I really love it there and I’m looking forward to going someplace warm. This past summer we camped in Medicine Hat with a lot of friends. We also camped in Cypress Hill where we did some swimming, mini golf and lot of ice cream eating.  We also spent some time at our condo in Kelowna.
My Goals and Dreams for 2025

I am writing a book about myself and my life. It is a biography about growing up and my experiences as a 38 year old with Down syndrome. Working on it is one of my goals this year. I also want to perform and put on a concert and have kids sing along with me to the music that I have downloaded and recorded. I would love to have neighbours and community members and their children watch and see me as a musician!

I would love to be an interviewer and interview people about what they do in their lives and get more information about them. I want to get the inside picture of strangers by talking to them.

I hope that you take care, and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

From Your Friend,

Paul Sawka


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