Your Impact in 2023 by giving to CDSS

Your Impact in 2024

You helped us reach more people than ever before in 2024. Your support made it possible to educate millions about living with Down syndrome, create job opportunities across Canada, provide essential resources for French-speaking parents, and shift the global perspective about the capabilities of people in our community. Together with Canadians with Down syndrome and their families, we are shaping a world of understanding, inclusion, and opportunity for all. 

Assume That I Can World Down Syndrome Day 2024

Assume That I Can reached hundreds of millions of people worldwide, shifting perceptions about the capabilities of people with Down syndrome and starting conversations about how people with disabilities are valued.

Thousands of Canadians were given an intimate look at life with Down syndrome through Paul Sawka’s blog, video series, and advocacy work, which started self-advocate lead conversations in the community and beyond.

Paul Sawka Changes Self Advocate Series

Inployable worked with recruitment leader Adecco to create job opportunities for Canadians with Down syndrome in Ontario, Québec, and British Columbia. 

Over 2,000 Canadians learned critical insights and information from the experts and community guests in our Community Learning Webinar Series.

Paul Sawka Changes Self Advocate Series

Thousands of caregivers and self-advocates gained guidance and critical information on advocacy, research, inclusive education, and sibling caregivers only available in 3.21, Canada’s Down syndrome magazine. 

French-speaking parents across the country were provided additional support and guidance as we welcomed them to the Down syndrome community through the updated French Edition of 21 Welcomes.

Paul Sawka Changes Self Advocate Series

Over 250,000 people learned about social isolation in the Down syndrome community during Canadian Down Syndrome Week, shifting the public perception about befriending adults with Down syndrome.

CDSS advocated for improved financial supports by collaborating with the government to update the RDSP and participating in the National Disability Network’s campaign to increase the Canada Disability Benefit. 

Paul Sawka Changes Self Advocate Series

Thank you for your continued support in 2025