
Boy with chemistry t-shirt

CDSS Education Hub

The CDSS Education Hub is filled with shareable, printable resources and quick guides that include practical tips and suggestions to help support students as they learn together in the school community. Remember that education is jurisdiction-specific, and is unique within each province and territory. CDSS supports learning together.

Learning Together in the School Community

Learning Together in the School Community

CDSS has developed this resource to help educators as they welcome students with Down syndrome into regular classrooms.



Quick Resource Guides for the School Community

Welcoming students with all abilities together in regular classrooms takes some effort from everyone in the school community. Here are some quick resource guides:
About DS
Learn about me
Classtoom Resources
Education Assistants image
substitute teachers image
classmates and peers image
parents image
school administrators quick guide image

Guides de ressources rapides pour la communauté scolaire

Accueillir des élèves de toutes capacités ensemble dans des classes ordinaires demande un certain effort de la part de tous les membres de la communauté scolaire. Voici quelques guides de ressources rapides :
A propos de la trisomie 21
En savoir plus sur
Ressources pour la salle de classe
Aides enseignants
Ecole Personnel
Endeignants remplacants
Administrateurs d'ecole

Inclusive Education Position Statement

The CDSS position statement on Inclusive Education shares our perspectives on equal access to education and opportunities for all students to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of school life.


School age girls
Four kids
Mom and son

Additional Education Resources

Education Toolkit, Down Syndrome Australia

These resources have been developed for educators and teachers, families and people with Down syndrome and the general community to promote better understanding of inclusive education.

Click here to learn more

Are You Ready to Include Me?

Inclusive Education, Shelley Moore

Shelley Moore is an educator, researcher and inclusive education thought leader that has worked with school districts and community organizations throughout Canada and the United States.

Click here to learn more

Inclusive Education Canada

In Fall 2024, Inclusive Education Canada launched their free online resource, The Source for Inclusive Education.

CDSS is proud to have been a part of developing this incredible tool to help build inclusive learning environments across the country. 

The Source for Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education Canada Website

DSi, Down Syndrome International

DSi is delighted to announce the publication of the International Guidelines for the Education of Learners with Down Syndrome.

Click here to learn more

Down Syndrome Resource Foundation, DSRF
DSRF empowers individuals with Down syndrome to reach their full potential throughout life by providing educational programs and services and sharing information. DSRF has multiple resources on reading, spelling, math, speech and language, occupational therapy and more.

Click here to learn more

Woodbine House
Publisher of the Special-Needs Collection…books for parents, children, teachers, and other professionals.

Click here to learn more

Teaching Resources

Autism Little Learners Social Stories
Variety of social stories to help with riding the bus, toilet training, self-regulation, visual communications etc.

Click here to learn more

Learning Without Tears
Online, paid, learning resources for early learning, handwriting, keyboarding and writing from Pre-K to Grade 5.

Click here to learn more

See and Learn, Visual Learning Step by Step
See and Learn teaching programs provide evidence-based activities, guidance and support to help children with Down syndrome improve their speech, language, reading and numeracy skills.

Click here to learn more

Special Reads
For 20 years, we have helped schools and families teach reading to learners with Down syndrome, autism, and other delays. click here to learn more

Click here to learn more